

Our dream is to help people awaken to the incredible freedoms that are available to them through following the way of Jesus Christ. It is so easy to become trapped in a pattern of life that leads to broken relationships, debt, lack of purpose, poor decisions, and the pursuit of meaningless possessions. We are here to invite you to a new Way!

"Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."  - Christ Jesus

Your gift supports the entire Awaken Church organization so we can reach further and serve you more. Already a sustaining tither? Set up a recurring donation here.

Donate Here


Our two major expenses are staff and facilities.  These two comprise 70% of our budget.  The remaining 30% provides for things like marketing, outreach, office and technical resources, curriculum, and special events.  Our 5 person Leadership Team oversees the expenditures of the church's finances and insures that we are using the money wisely in order to best fulfill our mission.  We often encourage our members to give an offering in addition to their monthly tithe towards a specific cause like the Community Pregnancy Center (CPC) or Young Life.  If you would like to do that then please make note of that with your contribution.



Q: Is there a tax benefit to giving to a church?

A:  Yes, the IRS classifies the church a 501(c)3 non-profit.  You will receive a year-end giving receipt each January.  If you want to give in cash and still receive this benefit, then please use the envelopes provided on the counter so that we can track this for you.

Q: Why does the church spend so much money on facilities and staff?

A:  Gathering space is critical for the church to carry out its mission.  Certainly there are examples, including in the New Testament, where the church survived and even thrived without formal facilities.  We, however, are in a different reality.  In order to best help people discover the amazing story of Jesus and experience his grace, we have determined that a comfortable physical space amplifies our ability to do this.  

Leadership is essential to the church and if a church is able to provide financially for those leaders, then they are able to devote themselves fully to the mission of the church.  Again, not an absolute necessity, just another way to amplify our ability to fulfill our mandate. 


Addition Fund

Addition Project

We are currently seeking to raise $1.5 million to build an addition on our current facility. If you’ve been to Awaken in person, you know that we have a LOT of kids! The primary purpose of our additional space will be for more children’s ministry space for babies up to teens. The addition will also provide us the space to host other events and meals for ministry and fellowship.

We realize this is a large amount of money to raise, but Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that God is able “to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think,” so we are trusting His promises in this and will give Him the glory as we see Him provide!

If you’d like to donate to the Addition Fund, you can click on the “Donate Here” button above, and list “building project” or “addition” in the designation. (Please note: this graphic will be manually updated each week, so you won’t see it change in real time when you make a donation.)

We will add an image of the proposed addition rendering here shortly!