Immigrant Connection Alaska Logo, a non-profit Anchorage organization Family and Marriage Based Petitions, Naturalization Petitions, Legal Permanent Resident and Employment Authorization renewals, Adjustment of Status, Consular Processing, DACA

 Immigrant Connection Alaska

Awaken Church is sponsoring Immigrant Connection.

Immigrant Connection is a church-based, low-cost, immigration legal services office that provides legal assistance to individuals who are seeking assistance with issues relating to immigration, such as Family and Marriage Based Petitions, Naturalization Petitions, Legal Permanent Resident and Employment Authorization renewals, Adjustment of Status, Consular Processing, DACA, TPS, Non-Immigrant Visas, and Religious Worker Visas. We can assist with many immigration cases that do not require being seen by a judge or going to the courtroom.

We are a part of the Immigrant Connection National Network of church-based, low-cost, immigration legal services offices. For more info:

Have questions? Want to get involved? Reach out to Johanna Dalton at


Our office hours are Tuesdays from 9am-3pm and Thursdays from 12pm-4pm. If you have an email or phone call into our office, we will get back to you during the next office hours.

To schedule an appointment, please use the scheduler below.

All potential clients are required to book an initial consultation, so we can effectively assess if we can assist you.