Awaken Church Events

Tunes for Tots!
to Mar 13

Tunes for Tots!

On Thursdays, Johanna will be leading a Tunes for Tots time at the church for 0 - 4 yr olds. This will be open-ended musical play with gentle programming. Instruments will be provided. It’s also a great opportunity to get to know other moms and kids. Invite your friends!

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Awaken Invitation
12:30 PM12:30

Awaken Invitation

Are you ready to make Awaken your church home? Whether for a few weeks or many years, we’d love to have you! This event is for you/your family if you are interested in getting connected at Awaken Church and taking part in our Awaken Invitation initiative.

We serve pizza at this event and it is after the second service ends, typically starting around 12:30 pm and ending before 2:00. We can provide childcare, if necessary. Please notate that on the sign up below. Anna, our community life leader, will reach out to you via email, after your RSVP.

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Women's Weekly Gathering
to Mar 11

Women's Weekly Gathering

This is open to ladies in all life stages. Join other women as we fix our eyes on Jesus and focus on the attributes of God. This is a relaxed group for women and children to meet and encourage each other in everyday life. Come when you can as they’ll meet at the church every Tuesday from 10 - 12. There is no childcare, but kids are welcome to come and play!j

If daytime doesn’t work for you, there’s an evening women’s group on Thursdays - check out the Small Groups page under the Connect tab.

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Weekly Wednesday Noon Prayer
to Oct 7

Weekly Wednesday Noon Prayer

Join us on Wednesdays from 12 - 12:30 pm for a time of prayer for God's anointing on Awaken Church as we do all that we can to fulfill the Great Commission. We will be praying for opportunities to share the Good News and for boldness when those opportunities come along. If you are not experienced in prayer or are intimidated by the thought of having to pray in public, don't worry! We will not be putting you on the spot. Just come and participate!

 Acts 2:42  "All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals, and to prayer."

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Ladies' Swap Night
5:00 PM17:00

Ladies' Swap Night

Gather the post-holiday clutter for a swap! Bring gently used clothes, toys, household items, snow/ski gear, etc. Drop off items between 5-6 pm and stay to enjoy a social hour with light appetizers and drinks. “Shopping” will be from 6-7 pm. Whatever is left behind will be donated.

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Sunday, December 29th - One 10:30 am service
10:30 AM10:30

Sunday, December 29th - One 10:30 am service

On the Sunday after Christmas, we’ll only have one Sunday morning service at 10:30 am. The next Sunday, January 5th, we’ll resume our normal 9:30 & 11:00 am service times!

During this service, Pastor Levi will be giving people the opportunity to share stories of trial and triumph from this past year. We will not be live-streaming this Sunday’s service in case sensitive information is shared.

We will be having a baptism during this service, so if you are interested in being baptized this Sunday, please reach out to Pastor Levi at

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Christmas Eve Services
4:30 PM16:30

Christmas Eve Services

We’d love for you to join us on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! This year we will have two Christmas Eve service options at 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm. We will celebrate with songs, a short message, and candle-lighting. These are family-friendly services so there won’t be children’s programming provided, but we welcome the noise and life that all the little ones will bring to the service! Our elementary kids will be practicing some songs in class in the weeks prior to Christmas and will have the opportunity to sing upfront with their group if they’d like to participate!

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Reindeer Day!
1:00 PM13:00

Reindeer Day!

We'd love for you to invite your friends and join us on December 14th! Live reindeer will be here (and Santa Claus too!), and we'll have crafts, a movie, popcorn, and hot cocoa!

If you'd like to help with the event (greeting, serving food, directing traffic, helping with craft stations, clean-up, etc), please sign up at

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Awaken Youth Christmas Party!
2:00 PM14:00

Awaken Youth Christmas Party!

In December, the teens are all invited to gather together for a Christmas party at Caleb’s house! We’ll have cookies & other snacks, hot cocoa, ice skating on Campbell Lake, a fire, sledding, and fellowship. Please bring sleds, ice skates, warm clothes, and friends! Please call/text Caleb at 907-529-6195 for directions or talk to him on Sunday!

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Cookie Sunday!
10:30 AM10:30

Cookie Sunday!

We’ve been enjoying our Bread Sundays, so for the Christmas season we’re going to have Cookie Sunday, an opportunity for our bakers in the church to share their favorite Christmas cookies! On Sunday, December 8th, we invite you to stay after the first service or come early for the 2nd service so you can enjoy a time of cookies and fellowship! If you enjoy baking, we’d love for you to bring a plate of cookies to share!

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Ladies' Wreath-making Night!
6:30 PM18:30

Ladies' Wreath-making Night!

Ladies, we’d love to have you join us for a night of fellowship and an opportunity to meet other women in the church! We’ll have light snacks and desserts (you’re welcome to bring your favorite snack to share as well!) and we will be offering a wreath-making project (with live greens…perfect for the Christmas season!) for those who are interested in participating. Spectators are welcome to come and visit if you’d rather not craft! :)

Please RSVP on the form below so we can be prepared with enough wreath supplies.

And as always, we’d love for you to bring your friends!

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Night of Worship!
5:30 PM17:30

Night of Worship!

Join us for a time of fellowship and praise to our Savior! We’ll start the evening at 5:30 by sharing a meal together in the Gathering Room, and then at 6:30 we’ll enter the Theater for a time of praise and worship. Nursery will be provided starting at 6:30.

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Bread Sunday!
9:30 AM09:30

Bread Sunday!

On Sunday, November 10th, we invite you for a time of fellowship and sharing bread together between the 1st and 2nd service. Stay after the 9:30 service ends, or come early for the 11:00 service and partake in some delicious homemade bread provided by bakers in our church.

If you’d like to volunteer to bring some fresh bread, email Anna here.

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Ownership Sunday
5:00 PM17:00

Ownership Sunday

Join us at the church for pizza, a short time of work either inside or outside as we get the property ready for winter, and then a time of prayer for the upcoming addition project.

Please fill out the form below if you plan to attend so we are prepared with enough food!

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Outdoor Service & Potluck Cookout!
10:00 AM10:00

Outdoor Service & Potluck Cookout!

For our final “summer” service (when we all still meet together at 10 am), we’re gathering outside with all ages worshiping together! The music and the sermon will both be a bit shorter to accommodate the attention span of kids. :) Come dressed for whatever weather we get that morning!

After the service, we’re hosting a potluck-style cookout. The church will provide the meat, buns, and condiments, but the sides will be potluck-style, so feel free to bring chips, salad, fruit/veggies, or a dessert to share!

Starting on September 8th, we’ll switch back to two Sunday services at 9:30 & 11:00 am.

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6:30 PM18:30


Wednesday nights on the Awaken property we will be hosting Firestarter: a time of fellowship, sharing a meal together, discipleship, and connection. It will start at 6:30 pm with a meal, we’ll have a short teaching at 7 pm, and then fellowship around the fires. We’ll have nursery care and an elementary class for kids from 7:00 - 7:30.

You can also learn about Firestarter and see how to get involved in serving at the event by going to

The final night of Firestarter will be August 28th! On this night, dinner will be potluck-style, so please bring a main dish or a side or dessert to share!

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Dessert Auction for Immigrant Connection
10:00 AM10:00

Dessert Auction for Immigrant Connection

We are hosting a dessert auction to support Immigrant Connection Alaska, as we prepare to open our doors to clients this month! We are raising funds to help cover legal fees for those who cannot afford them and/or operating costs. You can participate by bringing a dessert to be auctioned off or bidding on a dessert. Johanna will receive the desserts on Sunday morning. The bidding will start after the service and close during the cookout. If you’re willing to bring a dessert, please email Johanna at

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Work Night!
6:30 PM18:30

Work Night!

It’s Spring clean-up time at Awaken on a couple Wednesday nights in May! This is partly to get ready for our weekly summer Firestarter events, and partly just to take good care of our church building and property. From blowing and raking leaves, picking up trash, to splitting and stacking firewood, there’s a place for everyone of all ages and abilities to serve. It’s a great opportunity to serve together as a family and enjoy fellowship with others in the church. Dinner will be at 6:30, and work will wrap up at 8:30.
Work nights will be held on May 22nd and May 29th.

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Go Lunch!
to May 19

Go Lunch!

In Matthew 28:18-20, we hear these instructions from Jesus: “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Many of us read these words from Jesus but don’t feel like we know how to share the Gospel. Join a small group of us who are banding together for equipping and encouragement to make the most of the opportunities we have to share the Good News of Jesus with our friends, family, and anyone the Holy Spirit leads us to.  Think of this as evangelism training 2.0!  Yes, you will learn how to invite people into faith in Christ, but you will also be built up in your own faith and we will walk beside you (sometimes literally) as you step into the unique opportunities that God has given you to share His invitation to eternal life.  No special personality, gifting, or knowledge required to participate; just a desire to see your friends come to know Jesus as you do.

We will be meeting for a brown bag lunch (provided by you!) following the later service on the following dates:

April 21st, April 28th, May 5th, May 19th

This will be a four-session training course. Please plan on attending all of them! If you didn’t get in on this 4-week class but are interested in joining us for the next session, please email and we’ll be sure to let you know when that’s starting!

If you need childcare for the event, please email Heidi at so she can have that lined up!

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IF Gathering 2024
to Apr 20

IF Gathering 2024

Ladies, we would love for you to join us for the IF Gathering this year!


To go and make disciples.

We will gather from 6 - 9:30 pm on Friday night (doors will open at 5:30 if you want to come early for a bit of fellowship), and then continue on Saturday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. We will provide snacks on Friday evening, and then some breakfast snacks, lunch, and break snacks on Saturday. Contact Heidi at with any questions! The cost (paid directly to IF through the link below) is $15.

To register to attend, go to:

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Awaken Youth Extreme Sledding Day!
12:30 PM12:30

Awaken Youth Extreme Sledding Day!

Awaken teens have been invited to join the youth group from Trailhead Wesleyan in Wasilla for “extreme sledding” at Hatcher Pass! We’ll plan to leave the church shortly after the second service and head to Hatcher Pass. We expect to return to the church around 5:30 pm. Please click on the link to the event on Trailhead Wesleyan’s site to read all the details and fill out a waiver which is required for the sledding (we also will have paper copies of the waiver at church).

Make sure your teen has snow gear that will keep them warm and dry! If you have a sled to bring (no tubes), that would be great! Lunch will be provided.

Please sign up on the form below if your student plans to attend:

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Easter Egg Hunt & Movie!
12:00 PM12:00

Easter Egg Hunt & Movie!

Join us for some pre-Easter fun for the family! The event will start at 12:00 with some games, crafts, and fellowship, and the hunt will take place at 12:30. We will also be bringing back the teen & adult egg hunt! There will be 5 eggs hidden (more difficultly!) around the property that can be turned in and exchanged for a gift card! Following the egg hunt, we’ll be showing the Veggie Tale’s Easter Carol movie in the theater with free popcorn too! We’d love for you to bring your friends and family!

Due to the nature of our winter and our current state of melting and mess, we’d highly recommend boots for the hunt! :)

If you would like to help with the event, please sign up here:

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Celebrate Christmas Eve at Awaken!
10:30 AM10:30

Celebrate Christmas Eve at Awaken!

We’d love for you to join us on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! This year we will have three identical Christmas Eve service options - one in the morning at 10:30 am, and then evening options at 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm. We will celebrate with songs, a short message, and candle-lighting. These are family-friendly services so there won’t be children’s programming offered that day, but we welcome the noise and life that all the little ones will bring to the service!

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Awaken Youth Fall Retreat
to Oct 22

Awaken Youth Fall Retreat

Teens in grades 6-12 are invited to our Fall Retreat at the Bird Creek Chalet! The weekend will include games, fellowship, teaching and worship (and of course food too!)! They’ll also have the opportunity to ride e-bikes to Girdwood and back. Students can be dropped off at Awaken by 5:30 on Friday (dinner will be provided that evening) and will return by the end of the second service on Sunday. The cost is $40/teen to cover meals and bike rentals, and scholarships are available. If you have any questions, call or text Chay at 907-444-7801.

Registration has closed.

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Work Night!
6:00 PM18:00

Work Night!

Join us for some fall clean-up as well as some Clubhouse (that’s what we call that interesting building at the front of our property!) renovations as we create a space for teens out there! We’ll be meeting to work from 6 -8 pm and dinner will be provided!

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