Worship Wednesday

Worship Wednesday


“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1

I heard a song the other day whose lyrics never explicitly mentioned the steadfastness of God. But the words sang about how in every season, every trial, every blissful celebration in our lives, God was there through it all. As I began to wonder what the Lord wanted to teach us this week, the words He Is… STEADFAST continued to come into my mind. I noticed this theme continuing to weave its way into my conversations with others. So I thought, “Ok, Lord. It appears you’re trying to make something known about yourself here.” This was a very needed reminder for me that my God’s steadfast nature is what turns my trials into celebrations. It is what turns my mourning into dancing. And it is the ONLY thing that takes this sinful person (me) and brings forth a new creation. 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old is gone, the new is here.” II Corinthians 5:17

Caleb and I recently had some friends over for dinner. As we shared a meal and fellowshipped over stories from one another’s lives, I sat there just marinating in this sweet sweet aroma of believers sharing what God’s done. These conversations bring a peace to my soul that surpasses all understanding. They speak hope directly into my fears and doubts. And they remind me that my God never ever fails. He Is… STEADFAST.

Our friends shared some crazy stories with us about the hardships they’ve endured - as individuals, and as a couple. And their constant resolve was as follows: “We really wouldn’t have been able to get through it without our faith in Jesus.” Over and over and over again they continued to repeat this statement. And as I listened, I thought two things - one: “Wow, our God is so steadfast” and two: “Why don’t we talk about these things all the time? Why don’t we share with others about this incredible and loving God we know?”

“All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.” Psalm 25:10

This scripture reminds us that every path the Lord has planned for our life is ordained by His steadfast love and faithfulness. This was the resounding testimony of our friends sharing their story. What if that was the resounding declaration in our own life? The Bible says to tell of His great works and let the whole world know what He has done. (Psalm 105:1)  

Believe it or not, once upon a time I felt shame in sharing my testimony with others. I was embarrassed that I had doubted God’s best for my life after being raised in a home where I knew the truth. But last year I heard a speaker share her testimony, and at the end she said she used to feel shame in telling that story. Then one day she realized that every time she tells someone about how God redeemed her story, she’s not bragging about her past, she’s bragging about her God. Her testimony is the perfect image of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness in her life - and so is mine, and yours. Our testimonies are not only a reflection of God’s steadfast character, but they are also a reflection of how He created us to be steadfast as well.

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” I Corinthians 15:58

When God made us a new creation in Him, He designed us to be steadfast through every scenario life brings our way - because He is with us, and He Is… STEADFAST. Today I challenge you to be brave and pray for God to put someone in your path for you to share your story with. Because the truth is that when we tell our story, we are actually telling His story. He is the one who redeemed us back to Himself. 

Let’s brag about our God today. His steadfast love and faithfulness in our lives deserves to be shouted from the rooftops! As you listen to the worship setlist, I’d like to suggest that you read Psalm 136 and worship Him with a thankful heart, remembering and celebrating all the ways He is redeemed your story.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

At my core, I am a photographer, but ultimately I am a creator at heart. A adventure seeker, technology, music and culture lover who is very much ok with an isle seat when it means new places. My curiosity will always lead me to explore/discover/experience/seek genuine experiences that inspire and shape my view of the world & I will forever be using a camera to share those experiences.